Navigate 2.1.3 Commercial versus Open Virtual Classrooms Quest
Consider for a moment the role of synchronous learning in the virtual classroom and the exploration of various synchronous applications. When would an open source application take precedence over a commercial product? Using these quests as a point of reference, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the open source versus commercial software in relation to synchronous learning in your blog.
open source is a free piece of softwre that allow sychronous communication. Most of these work well, they are limited becuse of bandwidth and individual systems of the users. The help log and forums are good but keep in mind it is the users of the software, not the developers that participate in these forums the most. More than likely there is no formal help as in the case of purchased software.
Commercial means you have to pay. So each organization has to decide what the budget is and what plugins and extras they can afford. There is usually a lincense fee and a yearly management fee. There may also be a per user fee. Fees can also increaes from year to year. On the other hand if there is a technical problem there are IT people to call and their job is to get the software working on your and all your student's sytems.
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