Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Evaluate 2.1.1 Data Driven Instruction, Analytics, Reporting Tools Quest

I use data from my test all the time to deteremine where I will go nextg. Moodle allows me to examing where I have been and how the students mastered the material. This chart above tells me that for the class as a whole the master level was pretty high

Evaluate 1.1.3 The Summative Assessment Quest

Showcase an assessment created and include how the method used to assess the validity, reliability, and security. Post the assessment in your blog.

here is a DMR of an assessment. I use Moodle to assess. The nice thing about Moodle is that it allows me to see not only  the scores of the tests but each individual question, a chart of the assessment. It can show me trends. Because of the way I add questions to the database I can quickly see what material I may need to review and where my weakness are.

DMR #3 Linda Noss

AP Computer Science

Class Average: 89.74

Mean: 3.25 Go over with student about pointers and how they react in memory.

Mean: 3.12 Using the term linked list instead of arrayList might have thrown some students. Look at lists again.

Mean: 3.86   Review the difference between objects and primitive data types.

Mean:3.85 Review tracing through for loop with students

Mean: 4.2  Remind students that an array starts counting at 0.

Evaluate 1.1.2 Quality Feedback Quest

In your blog, provide a student work sample and accompanying feedback that showcases some of the expectations listed above and offers a sound example of quality, authentic feedback. Discuss aspects of the sample that align with the best practices discussed in this quest.

The assignment was to write a menu-dirven program.

Richard, This is a very good example of how to break down the program into parts. You did a nice job of creating managable methods and then reusing them when appropriate. The program is excellent and I would like to use it next year in the AP class when I speak of methods. Can I?


import java.util.*;

import java.io.*;

public class StudentMenu {

//Creating Variables

static public int rand;

static public int[] Lines = new int[21];

static String[] fn = new String[21];

static String[] ln = new String[21];

static public int[] yog = new int[21];

static public int[] grades1 = new int[21];

static public int[] grades2= new int[21];

static public int[] grades3 = new int[21];

static public int[] grades4 = new int[21];

static public int[] grades5 = new int[21];

static public int[] ID = new int[21];

static public Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

static public double[] averages = new double[21];

static public Scanner fileReader;

static int choice;

//Main Function

public static void main(String[] args){




//Init Function

public static void init(){

//Start File Scanner

fileReader = null;


fileReader = new Scanner(new File("StudentStats.txt"));

System.out.println("File found. Loading Resources.");

}catch(FileNotFoundException e){

System.out.print("StudentStats.txt not Found. Exiting...");



//Assign things to Variables.

double average;

for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

fn[i] = fileReader.next();

ln[i] = fileReader.next();

yog[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

ID[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades1[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades2[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades3[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades4[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades5[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

Lines[i] = i;

averages[i] = ((double)(grades1[i]) + (double)(grades2[i]) + (double)(grades3[i]) + (double)(grades4[i]) + (double)(grades5[i])) / 5;


System.out.print("Resources Loaded. Press enter to continue.");




//The menu itself. This will be seen often.

public static void menu(){

System.out.println("What would you like to do?\n\n");

System.out.println("1. Find a student by last name.");

System.out.println("2. Find a student by Year of Graduation.");

System.out.println("3. Finds a student by looking for an average.");

System.out.println("4. Find a student by Student ID.");

System.out.println("5. Find a student's average.");

System.out.println("6. See all Students.");

System.out.println("7. Give the student with the highest average.");

System.out.println("8. Give student with the lowest average.");

System.out.println("9. Quit.\n\n");

System.out.print("\n\nWhat would you like to do? ");

choice = scan.nextInt();

if (choice == 1){


}else if (choice == 2){


}else if(choice == 3){


}else if(choice == 4){


}else if(choice == 5){


}else if(choice == 6){


}else if(choice == 7){


}else if(choice == 8){


}else if(choice == 9){



}else System.out.print(choice + " is not a valid choice. Please enter a valid choice.");


//Functions keyed by the menu

public static void lastNameSearch(){

System.out.print("What name are you looking for? ");

String EnteredName = scan.next();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i <=20; i++){

//System.out.println("Flag: " + ln[i]);

if (EnteredName.equals(ln[i])){

System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("Name not found!");


public static void yearSearch(){

System.out.print("What year did the student graduate, or is expected to graduate? ");

int EnteredYear = scan.nextInt();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (EnteredYear == yog[i]){

System.out.println("\nWe found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that Year of Graduation.");


public static void averageSearch(){

System.out.print("What is the student's Average? ");

String EnteredAverage = scan.next();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if ((EnteredAverage + "").equals(averages[i] + "")){

System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that average. Sorry.");


public static void IDSearch(){

System.out.print("What is the student's ID? ");

int EnteredID = scan.nextInt();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (EnteredID == ID[i]){

System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that ID");


public static void findAverage(){

System.out.print("Enter the first name of the student: ");

String EnteredName = scan.next();

boolean found = false;

for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++){

//System.out.println("Flag: " + ln[i]);

if (EnteredName.equals(fn[i])){

System.out.print("We found the student. Here's their average: " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find the student. Sorry.");


public static void printAll(){

String answer;

System.out.print("Would you like them sorted by First Name, Last Name, or neither? ");

answer = scan.next();

if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("f")){


}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("F")){


}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("l")){


}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("L")){


}else for (int i = 0; i <21;i++) System.out.println((i+1) + ") " + fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);


public static void highestAverage(){

int hai= 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (averages[i] > averages[hai]) hai = i;


System.out.println("The highest average we found is " + averages[hai]);

System.out.println("\nHere is the student's info:");

System.out.println(fn[hai] + " " + ln[hai] + " " + yog[hai] + " " + ID[hai]);


public static void lowestAverage(){

int hai= 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (averages[i] < averages[hai]) hai = i;


System.out.println("The lowest average we found is " + averages[hai]);

System.out.println("\nHere is the student's info:");

System.out.println(fn[hai] + " " + ln[hai] + " " + yog[hai] + " " + ID[hai]);


public static void clear(int times){

for (int i=0; i <=times; i++) System.out.print("\n");


public static void BubbleSorting(String[] names){

String tempS;

int tempI;

double tempD;

int i = 0;

int hai = 0;

while (hai < 21){


for(i = 0; i<names.length-1; i++){

if (names[i].compareToIgnoreCase(names[i+1])>0) {

//First name

tempS = fn[i];

fn[i] = fn[i+1];

fn[i+1] = tempS;

//Last NAme

tempS = ln[i];

ln[i] = ln[i+1];

ln[i+1] = tempS;

//Year of Graduation

tempI =(yog[i]);

yog[i] = yog[i+1];

yog[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 1

tempI = (grades1[i]);

grades1[i] = grades1[i+1];

grades1[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 2

tempI =(grades2[i]);

grades2[i] = grades2[i+1];

grades2[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 3

tempI = (grades3[i]);

grades3[i] = grades3[i+1];

grades3[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 4

tempI = (grades4[i]);

grades4[i] = grades4[i+1];

grades4[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 5

tempI = (grades5[i]);

grades5[i] = grades5[i+1];

grades5[i+1] = tempI;


tempD = (averages[i]);

averages[i] = averages[i+1];

averages[i+1] = tempD;



if (i > 20) i = 0;


System.out.println("\nFirst, Last, Average, ID");

for (int o = 0; o < 20; o++){

System.out.println(fn[o] + " " + ln[o] +" "+ averages[o] +" "+ ID[o]);




Evaluate 1.1.1 Formative Assessment Quest

Consider the best means of developing and delivering assessments, projects, and assignments that meet standards-based learning goals and assess learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals. How might a teacher employ ways to assess student readiness for course content and method of delivery? To demonstrate this, create a formative assessment in a demo course you are creating. Post a link to the assessment in your blog.


Create 4.1.3 Aggregating Lesson Material Quest

As discussed throughout the quest, collecting or curating learning objects, resources, and learning material enriches the e-learning environment. Research and identify three tools that can be used to aggregate and present learning material, other than the two mentioned in the lesson. Post findings in your blog and include a brief description and the associated costs.

Any LMS system is an aggregation of tools use to display and manage a lesson. In a single week listed for my students in Moodle I might have 15 resources. At the top of the Course pages I have a list of interesting and useful sites.

The Elearning tools had several sites that listed a online creation tools complete with description and a link to them.

The costs for these websites is mainly time. It takes time to look through the lists and find the tools that will work.

When creating a lesson that is made up of many parts for your students the cost might be a bit of confusion. For instance, I put together a lesson for a week of Net Safety. I mainly use NetSmartz  but on that website there is a huge number of resources, videos, worksheets, posters and research activities. I also used a Blog, made in Moodle, that the students had to contribute to. The I used some of the resourced that they brought to me. This means that the students had to access 5 or 6 websites and do 3 or 4 different activities that week. It was easy to miss one of become confused as to what you had to do.

Create 3.1.3 Locating Resources Quest

Open educational resources are available in a variety of mediums. Using the content topic previously selected, locate an image, applicable text, and a multimedia object that apply to the topic. Ensure the resources are cited properly and post these items in your blog with the links.


Kitten sounds

Create 4.1.2 Principles of Building Portable Learning Objects Quest

Based upon your specific content area, build two high quality, reusable learning objects. After completing the project, post links to the created objects in your blog and explain their intended use.

I used eLearning resources the found a 'game' to create on that page called What2Learn.  It is a hangman game with my vocab words! I put in my words and they make it for me. It does take 24 hours. But you can also use things that other people have done,

Create 4.1.1 Define and Explain Learning Object Authoring Tools Quest

Based on an understanding of learning object authoring tools, locate five tools–three tools that are free to use and two that are fee/subscription based (note that some web 2.0 tools may also serve as object-authoring tools). Post findings to your blog, as well as an explanation as to how these tools might be used. Make sure to investigate what others have posted.

http://www.knewton.com/ - subscription, tool used to learning that is based on mastery. It  will direct the student to repeat or continue to practice concepts until they are mastered.
khan academy - free, multitude of  topics and that you can combine to create a course for your classroom
Code academy - free, used as a independant learning toool for learning different programming languages
Scratch.mit.edu - Free, used as a tool for beginning programmers
Schmoop - use to be free but no olonger is.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Create 3.1.2 Fair Use and the TEACH Act Quest

As discussed throughout this quest, Fair Use and the TEACH act allow educators to use copyrighted material for educational purposes. Referring to the checklist and resources provided, determine how this information may be applied in an online classroom. In your respective blog, discuss the following:
  • How does an understanding of Fair Use affect one’s role as an online instructor?
  •  It enables us to give our students a broader experience. It opens up the availability of materials more. It allows us to teach for a limited time with materials that are free.
  • How do Fair Use and the TEACH Act correlate to the delivery of reliable content? As a computer sciecne teacher I know who fast things change. Each year I teach the same courses but the content can be completely different. The Fair use Act allows me to find and use resources that keep me current.

Create 3.1.1. Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons Quest

Open Educational Resources may be found across nearly all subject areas, but understanding methods of integrating these resources into instructional activities remains a best practice. For this quest, create an entry in your blog in which you develop a definition of open educational resources and explain the various Creative Commons licenses one may encounter when searching for these resources.

Ok the definition from Open Educational Resources is

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use, whether you are an instructor, student or self-learner. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world.

But it is not as easy as that. If you find a source that you think is opensource you have to know where the source came from. Anyone could repost something and just call it opensource so you have to find the original source.

If you find something that is "For Educational use only" you still have to find the original source.

You always have to cite your sources and give credit. Open source does not mean just take and run.

Create 2.1.3 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Student Assessment Quest

Compose a blog post about relying on the Web 2.0 Tools discussed in the Create quest. Select one of these tools and build a learning focused instructional tool. Upon completion, identify the tool and include a brief description in your blog post.

Assessments can take many forms
Testing - traditional test
Creative creations with one of the many tools available

Assessments can be done in Moodle that same way
Moodle is an LMS system that allows you to create Groups within each class. What you can do to create a system for complete Master and indiviualize it is work with the Groups and the conditionals.

Create groups within your class
Create different assignments and resources for the class
When posting the assignments to complete, assign each one to a particular group
Use the conditionals to see if the student completed with a certain mastery level (75% )
if they have not then they go to assignment 1a
if they have then they go to assignment 2

You can nest these levels as much as you want in Moodle. Each level would be an alternative assignment or a recovery assignment. I would make each level assignments that break down the process you are trying to teach into smaller and smaller 'chunks' so the student can focus on one concept at a time until mastery is achieved.

Create 2.1.2 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Teacher Instruction Quest

Compose a blog post about relying on the Web 2.0 Tools discussed in the Create quest. Select one of these tools and build a learning focused instructional tool. Upon completion, identify the tool and include a brief description in your blog post.

Moodle is an LMS system that allows you to create Groups within each class. What you can do to create a system for complete Master and individualize it is work with the Groups and the conditionals.

Create groups within your class
Create different assignments and resources for the class
When posting the assignments to complete, assign each one to a particular group
Use the conditionals to see if the student completed with a certain mastery level (75% )
if they have not then they go to assignment 1a
if they have then they go to assignment 2

You can nest these levels as much as you want in Moodle. Each level would be an alternative assignment or a recovery assignment. I would make each level assignments that break down the process you are trying to teach into smaller and smaller 'chunks' so the student can focus on one concept at a time until mastery is achieved.

Create 2.1.1 Web Tools Quest

Use the internet to research a variety of Web Tools that can be used for student learning or instruction. Then, create three categories and elaborate on the value of the tools referenced. Describe each tool explaining its use, associated cost and how the tool would implemented in a learning environment. Document the items in your blog.

There are a ton of these out there and every time I look for more tools there are new ones. Wish I had more time to explore.

Learning content site - these are great to have students work on. Can be used as a free standing, at your own pace learning platform or work as a class with intro by teacher to each section.
Khan Academy

Presentation tools - If you have the digital world available use it. Much better than 'chalk and talk'!
Bubble.us - love to use with students in problem solving, Helps break down a problem into little pieces
Powerpoint - old school but still used highly, Student enjoy putting their own together and it makes their presentations, when they are nervoud, a little bit more do-able.

Classroom management tools - there are many out there, some take $$$, others not. have to find ones that fit your teaching style.
NetSupport - allows teachers to see all the computer screens in the room

Collaboration - Kids love to collaborate on projects and putting it on the net make it that much better!
BB Collaborate

Creating a Course - These are long term and take a lot of work the first year, but the second year is joyful...

I have yet to explore all the web tools but I love
Google docs
YouTube - check out the education site!
Google Maps
Calendar - I embeded this in my Sharepoint site via Moodle...automatic updates when I put a new item in Moodle

Create 1.1.3 Appearance Quest

Explore learning modules from various online organizations and describe the benefits of layout, media, and appearance. Please identify ten instructional sites, and isolate five sites which exemplify sound design ideals and five that do not adhere to these standards and document in your blog.

  1. Khan Academy - Clear instructional goals, Content is there, Can gt everywhere in just about 3 clicks, The content is present in short videos so it is clear and focused
  2. CodeAcademy - Clear instructional goals, Content is there. Short lessons that move you to the next. Keeps track of your progress
  3. Code.org - Well organized and informative. Can get to where you are going quickly.
  4. NetSmartz - Home page a bit busy but you can still find your way around. Clear instructional goals, Content is there, once in the right section easy to find what you want.
  5. NCVPS - Hard to navigate, not clear as where to go first, often end up in a totally different place.
  6. SNHU - Navigation is present but it takes more that three clicks to get there.
  7. Kennesaw U - Lots of information  on home page, more thatn three clicks, can be confusing as to where to navigate
  8. Ga Department of Ed - Not clear at all, Tons of old inforamtion, hard to navigate, many more than 3 click - rall
  9. College Board - tons of information, well organized, sometimes hard to find if you are in the right place, asks for id/pass when entering different major parts
  10. Tkes - hard to navigate, oftern does not work, no help

Create 1.1.2. Creating a Content Map Quest

Consider the topic isolated in the beginning of this quest.

What should be included in the Content Map?
  • Organize the area either by units or time
  • Create major 'Chunks' and then break those down into smaller ones
  • Follow the same pattern so that students can follow the course in a predictable way and know what is expected of them.
  • Organize the site so that similar types of information are in the same places for each unit
    • Content
    • Information Links
    • Dropboxes
    • Calendar etc..

What aspects of online learning are essential to integrate in the process?
  • The way that you organize your units and the way that you stay uniform is important. I have taken online courses that are not uniform in their organization of the units and I tend to miss things, not so all the tasks because I did not know it was there. Uniform design from unit to unit is key.
  • Due Dates - in order to facilitate the course and keep it moving forward there should be well defined due dates, otherwise you could have a student that is sitting on unit one for the whole year!
  • Last logged in- This many belong in the communicate section and certainly is attached to Due dates but you should know when a student has not come online for a while and then communicate with them to see if there is a problem.

Using a format explored above, create a Content Map for the chosen topic. Post the completed Content Map in your blog.

Create 1.1.1 Time Management Quest

List five time management tools in your blog and briefly describe their use and relevance to the online world. Does the tool relate to personal, professional, or a combination of both?

  1. The clock on the wall - this one is really old school but as a teacher of 34 years with bells that go off all the time  it becomes second nature. When working on a task I usually think about how many hours I want to work today and then move on to something else. This is professional and personal.
  2. Reminders on my phone - I have a few set up that are shared with other people so the group can put in reminders for the rest. I use Remind (Formally remind101) with my students so that they can manage their time.
  3. A calendar that pops up for things due and meetings. I have it synched to my phone and various computers that I tend to log on during the day. These calendar meetings can be individual or group meetings. For group meetings anyone in the group can change the time or place and it sends out a message to the whole group. I can also set a alarm to go off so that I can ready myself for the meeting in a timely manner. 
  4. A routine - get to work a certain time in the morning and check my calendar and emails first. I think about what my day looks like and then I know when to move to the next task meeting. Often I will create a quick Post-it note with a list of major topics for each class. This helps me as students are walking in so I can jump right into the lesson.
  5. LMS system for my students. I keep a detailed Mon- Fri list every week that includes all the resources needed for that day. It is also a convenient goto for my students. They always know where to start their day in my class. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Communicate 4.2.3 Discussions Quest

Discussions can be a use and informative way to get to know the kids and have the kids get to know each other. I have a discussion group in my class each week. It is on emerging technology. This is how it works:

One student is in charge each week. All students will have a chance to be in charge. This students make the initial post about an emerging technology. All other students have to post back twice, once to the original post and a comment about another persons posts. I have a work limit and ask that they be professional about their posts. At the end of the week the student in charge 'grades the post'

It is a small grade bot they students seem to really enjoy it and are sad when it ends. here is an example of what it looks like.
(Period 6)

Communicate 4.2.2 Digital Feedback Quest

When grading most assignments in an LMS there is a comment section that allows you to give personalized comments to the student.

Authentic feedback is important because there is no F2F communication. The student cannot see your expression or body language. Words can be misinterpreted and so it is very important that you communicate well and directly.

Feed back can give the student instructions on what they are doing (right and wrong) or it can explain how to use a tool. Feedback can take the form of a picture or chart, vidow or animation. It all depends on what you are tryin to say.

Communicate 4.2.1 Feedback Quest

Tiered Lesson Template



Content Area: Beginning Programming                 Grade Level: High School


Type of class:   _X_regular  ___advanced/honors   ___Advanced Placement


Focus of Lesson: Loops




Lesson Essential Question(s): How do you control repetition in Java?



EXPLAIN basis for tiering & differentiation:


  • Tiered by readiness (mixed ability class) or by learning styles and/or interest (gifted/ advanced class): Readiness


  • Tiered by (content, process, product, or combination): content



EXPLAIN lesson.  Be certain to indicate key differences for each Tier in both challenge/difficulty and teacher scaffolding/assistance:


  • Lesson overview: Students are learning to use a variety of loops. We are in our second week. The students are writing programs with different kinds of loops.


  • Tier II (grade level learners): These students are doing simple loops, with 1 counter and very few statements in the loop itself. They have the same number of programs to write but the programs are much more stepwise with small increases in skill between each program. The descriptions of the programs are one sentence or a bullet point style.


  • Tier III (advanced learners): These students are writing a series of programs that are a series of loops. Some loops are inside others. Some loops use formulas to determine their starting and stopping values. The descriptions of the programs are much more in a prose style where the student must glean the use of a loop from an everyday situation.



Method(s) of Assessment: A finished product is handed in. Each student must hand in one program for each description. The concepts are look for are:


·         The program runs

·         The program is commented correctly

·         The loop structures are syntactically correct

·         The programs accomplish the task outlined in the description

·         The program is written in an efficient manner



Looping programs
The program runs
The program does not run
The program runs but with syntax errors listed at the end of the run.
The program runs but with logical errors
The program runs without any errors of any sort.
The program is commented correctly
There are no comments in the program.
Comments have more than 2 grammatical or spelling error or the comments are not complete sentences or the comments are not used in the way specified in the program description
Comments have 1 or 2 spelling and/or grammatical errors or comments are not in all the areas specified by the program description.
Comments have full sentences, are grammatically correct and all the specified areas are descriptive.
The loop structures are syntactically correct
There are no loops in the program or there are loops that are not created correctly
There is a loop in the program. They do they are not the correct type and they do not work as specified
There are loops in the program that work but are of the wrong type or they do not work as specified
The loops in the program work and are of the correct type specified.
The programs accomplish the task outlined in the description
The task outlined in the description is not attempted
The task is partially completed.
The task is completed but with the wrong type of loop.
The task is completed and in the correct manner as specified.
The program is written in an efficient manner
The program not written with the use of loops.
The program accomplished the task but in a manner that is not efficient. Most of the tasks can be done in a more efficient manner
The program accomplished the task but in a manner that partially efficient but s1 or 2 tasks can be done in a more efficient manner.
The program is written in a efficient manner for all tasks
Possible 15


Tiered Lesson Template



Content Area: Beginning Programming                 Grade Level: High School


Type of class:   _X_regular  ___advanced/honors   ___Advanced Placement


Focus of Lesson: Loops




Lesson Essential Question(s): How do you control repetition in Java?



EXPLAIN basis for tiering & differentiation:


  • Tiered by readiness (mixed ability class) or by learning styles and/or interest (gifted/ advanced class): Readiness


  • Tiered by (content, process, product, or combination): content



EXPLAIN lesson.  Be certain to indicate key differences for each Tier in both challenge/difficulty and teacher scaffolding/assistance:


  • Lesson overview: Students are learning to use a variety of loops. We are in our second week. The students are writing programs with different kinds of loops.


  • Tier II (grade level learners): These students are doing simple loops, with 1 counter and very few statements in the loop itself. They have the same number of programs to write but the programs are much more stepwise with small increases in skill between each program. The descriptions of the programs are one sentence or a bullet point style.


  • Tier III (advanced learners): These students are writing a series of programs that are a series of loops. Some loops are inside others. Some loops use formulas to determine their starting and stopping values. The descriptions of the programs are much more in a prose style where the student must glean the use of a loop from an everyday situation.



Method(s) of Assessment: A finished product is handed in. Each student must hand in one program for each description. The concepts are look for are:


·         The program runs

·         The program is commented correctly

·         The loop structures are syntactically correct

·         The programs accomplish the task outlined in the description

·         The program is written in an efficient manner



Communicate 4.3.1 The Synchronous Session Quest

Reflect upon the importance of utilizing a synchronous session to “create a true classroom culture” online. How does integrating synchronous learning sessions within the online environment assist in developing a learning community for students? Discuss this question at length in your blog.

Usning a group sunchronous session allows all members to feel like they are being heard. It is just like sitting in a room and talking to each other. They are great for discussion and reviews. Some software has a white board built in so members can show each other different ways of doing things. It give a feeling of belonging.

Communicate 4.1.2 Rubrics Quest

Methods & Materials for the Gifted

Unit Assessment Rubric




Categories for Review
Focus of Lesson aligned with
Unit Standard(s)
Focus of lesson is basic and only one standard is provided
Focus of lesson is provided;  at least one standard is provided
Focus of lesson is well stated and is aligned with unit standards
Focus of lesson is well suited to gifted learners and standards are clearly aligned to unit focus
Essential Questions & Enduring Understandings
EQs and EUs do not fit topic or are unclear for unit topic
3 or fewer essential questions; EUs are minimal or basic for unit topic
4 questions clearly stated and appropriate for the unit topic/ concepts along with EUs
5 or more highly appropriate questions stated with enduring understandings for this unit/topic
Resources and/or handouts
Does not contain adequate resources/ handouts to guide students.
The unit contains minimal resources/ or handouts to guide students.
The unit contains sufficient resources and handouts to guide students’ work.
The unit contains a wealth of resources and handouts to guide students’ work.
Research and/or gathering/ manipulation of information
No requirement for research or gathering of information
Minimal requirement for research or gathering of information
Appropriate activities require research or gathering of information
Activities are extremely well planned to guide the research and/or the gathering of information.
Student choice of activities/topics
No choices are offered
Choice is only included in one activity
Contains at least two opportunities of student choice
Contains three or more student choices from multiple learning styles
Products/ Responses
No open-ended tasks are included
One activity calls for open-ended responses/ products
At least two activities call for open-ended responses/products
Three or more activities call for open-ended responses or products
Multiple sources of information/ different perspectives
Little, if any, use of varied sources of information or different perspectives
Minimal use of multiple sources of information or different perspectives
At least one main project requires students to seek multiple sources of information or to consider different perspectives on the topic.
Two or more activities use multiple sources of information and involve students in examining various perspectives.
None or poorly developed; no Pre-test
Two evaluations provided but levels of quality need improvement for student guidance; Pre-test is minimal for topic
At least three appropriate evaluation methods are utilized with at least 2 rubrics with well-defined levels of performance; Pre-test is appropriate for topic
Four or more appropriate evaluation methods are utilized with at least 3 rubrics with well-defined levels of performance;  Pre-test is appropriate for topic
Samples of student work
No student samples are included
Only one sample of student work is included
At least three samples of student work are included for major project(s)
At least three samples of student work are included for two different products/projects
Higher Levels of Thinking
Minimal use of creative or critical thinking required
25% of activities promote use of creative and/or critical thinking
50% of activities promote use of creative and/or critical thinking/ problem solving
75% of activities promote creative and/or critical thinking/ problem solving
Organization and Overall Quality
Poorly developed and not organized
Somewhat developed but not  well organized
Well developed and organized
Extremely well developed and organization is easy to follow.
Total points