Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Evaluate 1.1.2 Quality Feedback Quest

In your blog, provide a student work sample and accompanying feedback that showcases some of the expectations listed above and offers a sound example of quality, authentic feedback. Discuss aspects of the sample that align with the best practices discussed in this quest.

The assignment was to write a menu-dirven program.

Richard, This is a very good example of how to break down the program into parts. You did a nice job of creating managable methods and then reusing them when appropriate. The program is excellent and I would like to use it next year in the AP class when I speak of methods. Can I?


import java.util.*;

import java.io.*;

public class StudentMenu {

//Creating Variables

static public int rand;

static public int[] Lines = new int[21];

static String[] fn = new String[21];

static String[] ln = new String[21];

static public int[] yog = new int[21];

static public int[] grades1 = new int[21];

static public int[] grades2= new int[21];

static public int[] grades3 = new int[21];

static public int[] grades4 = new int[21];

static public int[] grades5 = new int[21];

static public int[] ID = new int[21];

static public Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

static public double[] averages = new double[21];

static public Scanner fileReader;

static int choice;

//Main Function

public static void main(String[] args){




//Init Function

public static void init(){

//Start File Scanner

fileReader = null;


fileReader = new Scanner(new File("StudentStats.txt"));

System.out.println("File found. Loading Resources.");

}catch(FileNotFoundException e){

System.out.print("StudentStats.txt not Found. Exiting...");



//Assign things to Variables.

double average;

for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

fn[i] = fileReader.next();

ln[i] = fileReader.next();

yog[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

ID[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades1[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades2[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades3[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades4[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

grades5[i] = fileReader.nextInt();

Lines[i] = i;

averages[i] = ((double)(grades1[i]) + (double)(grades2[i]) + (double)(grades3[i]) + (double)(grades4[i]) + (double)(grades5[i])) / 5;


System.out.print("Resources Loaded. Press enter to continue.");




//The menu itself. This will be seen often.

public static void menu(){

System.out.println("What would you like to do?\n\n");

System.out.println("1. Find a student by last name.");

System.out.println("2. Find a student by Year of Graduation.");

System.out.println("3. Finds a student by looking for an average.");

System.out.println("4. Find a student by Student ID.");

System.out.println("5. Find a student's average.");

System.out.println("6. See all Students.");

System.out.println("7. Give the student with the highest average.");

System.out.println("8. Give student with the lowest average.");

System.out.println("9. Quit.\n\n");

System.out.print("\n\nWhat would you like to do? ");

choice = scan.nextInt();

if (choice == 1){


}else if (choice == 2){


}else if(choice == 3){


}else if(choice == 4){


}else if(choice == 5){


}else if(choice == 6){


}else if(choice == 7){


}else if(choice == 8){


}else if(choice == 9){



}else System.out.print(choice + " is not a valid choice. Please enter a valid choice.");


//Functions keyed by the menu

public static void lastNameSearch(){

System.out.print("What name are you looking for? ");

String EnteredName = scan.next();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i <=20; i++){

//System.out.println("Flag: " + ln[i]);

if (EnteredName.equals(ln[i])){

System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("Name not found!");


public static void yearSearch(){

System.out.print("What year did the student graduate, or is expected to graduate? ");

int EnteredYear = scan.nextInt();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (EnteredYear == yog[i]){

System.out.println("\nWe found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that Year of Graduation.");


public static void averageSearch(){

System.out.print("What is the student's Average? ");

String EnteredAverage = scan.next();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if ((EnteredAverage + "").equals(averages[i] + "")){

System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that average. Sorry.");


public static void IDSearch(){

System.out.print("What is the student's ID? ");

int EnteredID = scan.nextInt();

boolean found = false;


for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (EnteredID == ID[i]){

System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");

System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that ID");


public static void findAverage(){

System.out.print("Enter the first name of the student: ");

String EnteredName = scan.next();

boolean found = false;

for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++){

//System.out.println("Flag: " + ln[i]);

if (EnteredName.equals(fn[i])){

System.out.print("We found the student. Here's their average: " + averages[i]);

found = true;



if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find the student. Sorry.");


public static void printAll(){

String answer;

System.out.print("Would you like them sorted by First Name, Last Name, or neither? ");

answer = scan.next();

if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("f")){


}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("F")){


}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("l")){


}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("L")){


}else for (int i = 0; i <21;i++) System.out.println((i+1) + ") " + fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);


public static void highestAverage(){

int hai= 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (averages[i] > averages[hai]) hai = i;


System.out.println("The highest average we found is " + averages[hai]);

System.out.println("\nHere is the student's info:");

System.out.println(fn[hai] + " " + ln[hai] + " " + yog[hai] + " " + ID[hai]);


public static void lowestAverage(){

int hai= 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){

if (averages[i] < averages[hai]) hai = i;


System.out.println("The lowest average we found is " + averages[hai]);

System.out.println("\nHere is the student's info:");

System.out.println(fn[hai] + " " + ln[hai] + " " + yog[hai] + " " + ID[hai]);


public static void clear(int times){

for (int i=0; i <=times; i++) System.out.print("\n");


public static void BubbleSorting(String[] names){

String tempS;

int tempI;

double tempD;

int i = 0;

int hai = 0;

while (hai < 21){


for(i = 0; i<names.length-1; i++){

if (names[i].compareToIgnoreCase(names[i+1])>0) {

//First name

tempS = fn[i];

fn[i] = fn[i+1];

fn[i+1] = tempS;

//Last NAme

tempS = ln[i];

ln[i] = ln[i+1];

ln[i+1] = tempS;

//Year of Graduation

tempI =(yog[i]);

yog[i] = yog[i+1];

yog[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 1

tempI = (grades1[i]);

grades1[i] = grades1[i+1];

grades1[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 2

tempI =(grades2[i]);

grades2[i] = grades2[i+1];

grades2[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 3

tempI = (grades3[i]);

grades3[i] = grades3[i+1];

grades3[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 4

tempI = (grades4[i]);

grades4[i] = grades4[i+1];

grades4[i+1] = tempI;

//Grades 5

tempI = (grades5[i]);

grades5[i] = grades5[i+1];

grades5[i+1] = tempI;


tempD = (averages[i]);

averages[i] = averages[i+1];

averages[i+1] = tempD;



if (i > 20) i = 0;


System.out.println("\nFirst, Last, Average, ID");

for (int o = 0; o < 20; o++){

System.out.println(fn[o] + " " + ln[o] +" "+ averages[o] +" "+ ID[o]);





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