Friday, May 23, 2014

Create 2.1.3 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Student Assessment Quest

Compose a blog post about relying on the Web 2.0 Tools discussed in the Create quest. Select one of these tools and build a learning focused instructional tool. Upon completion, identify the tool and include a brief description in your blog post.

Assessments can take many forms
Testing - traditional test
Creative creations with one of the many tools available

Assessments can be done in Moodle that same way
Moodle is an LMS system that allows you to create Groups within each class. What you can do to create a system for complete Master and indiviualize it is work with the Groups and the conditionals.

Create groups within your class
Create different assignments and resources for the class
When posting the assignments to complete, assign each one to a particular group
Use the conditionals to see if the student completed with a certain mastery level (75% )
if they have not then they go to assignment 1a
if they have then they go to assignment 2

You can nest these levels as much as you want in Moodle. Each level would be an alternative assignment or a recovery assignment. I would make each level assignments that break down the process you are trying to teach into smaller and smaller 'chunks' so the student can focus on one concept at a time until mastery is achieved.


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