Participate 3.1.1 Access to the Digital Community Quest
What types of barriers might impede students’ opportunities to access digital learning?
When a student comes into your classroom for the first time you cannot assume anything about them. They may 'look' like they would have all the latest and greatest technology at home but that is not always the case.
Some of the barriers that I have seen in my classroom are:
- Blind and hearing impaired students.
- Students that have recently hit hard economic times. When the family has to decide between paying rent or mortgage, putting food on the table, gas in their car and the internet.. the internet is the first thing to go. With recent downturn in the economy, for about 5 years, I have more and more students that fit into this catagory.
- Students from different places. Often a student that has just moved into this county may not have all the 'modern' convienences at home. Many families choose not to have internet in their home.
- Students whose traditions so not allow for technology in the home. I come from an area where there are many faiths and belief systems. It is not always something that is allowed.
- Students that are being brough up by elderly granparents or in a guardian situation. One of the reports said that the elderly do not see the internet as a needed resource and if they have a child living with them then this could effect the child's ability to get out on the internet.
- Some students have temporary situation, they just moved into town, there is a sudden loss of income, the child is moving in and out of foster care. These situations can effect whether the child has internet at home.
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