Noss GVL
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Evaluate 1.1.3 The Summative Assessment Quest
Showcase an assessment created and include how the method used to assess the validity, reliability, and security. Post the assessment in your blog.
here is a DMR of an assessment. I use Moodle to assess. The nice thing about Moodle is that it allows me to see not only the scores of the tests but each individual question, a chart of the assessment. It can show me trends. Because of the way I add questions to the database I can quickly see what material I may need to review and where my weakness are.
DMR #3 Linda Noss
AP Computer Science
Class Average: 89.74
Mean: 3.25 Go over with student about pointers and how they
react in memory.
Mean: 3.12 Using the term linked list instead of arrayList
might have thrown some students. Look at lists again.
Mean: 3.86 Review the difference between objects and
primitive data types.
Mean:3.85 Review tracing through for loop with students
Mean: 4.2 Remind
students that an array starts counting at 0.
Evaluate 1.1.2 Quality Feedback Quest
In your blog, provide a student work sample and accompanying feedback that showcases some of the expectations listed above and offers a sound example of quality, authentic feedback. Discuss aspects of the sample that align with the best practices discussed in this quest.
The assignment was to write a menu-dirven program.
Richard, This is a very good example of how to break down the program into parts. You did a nice job of creating managable methods and then reusing them when appropriate. The program is excellent and I would like to use it next year in the AP class when I speak of methods. Can I?
import java.util.*;
public class StudentMenu {
//Creating Variables
static public int rand;
static public int[] Lines = new int[21];
static String[] fn = new String[21];
static String[] ln = new String[21];
static public int[] yog = new int[21];
static public int[] grades1 = new int[21];
static public int[] grades2= new int[21];
static public int[] grades3 = new int[21];
static public int[] grades4 = new int[21];
static public int[] grades5 = new int[21];
static public int[] ID = new int[21];
static public Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
static public double[] averages = new double[21];
static public Scanner fileReader;
static int choice;
//Main Function
public static void main(String[] args){
//Init Function
public static void init(){
//Start File Scanner
fileReader = null;
fileReader = new Scanner(new File("StudentStats.txt"));
System.out.println("File found. Loading Resources.");
}catch(FileNotFoundException e){
System.out.print("StudentStats.txt not Found. Exiting...");
//Assign things to Variables.
double average;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){
fn[i] =;
ln[i] =;
yog[i] = fileReader.nextInt();
ID[i] = fileReader.nextInt();
grades1[i] = fileReader.nextInt();
grades2[i] = fileReader.nextInt();
grades3[i] = fileReader.nextInt();
grades4[i] = fileReader.nextInt();
grades5[i] = fileReader.nextInt();
Lines[i] = i;
averages[i] = ((double)(grades1[i]) + (double)(grades2[i]) + (double)(grades3[i]) + (double)(grades4[i]) + (double)(grades5[i])) / 5;
System.out.print("Resources Loaded. Press enter to continue.");
//The menu itself. This will be seen often.
public static void menu(){
System.out.println("What would you like to do?\n\n");
System.out.println("1. Find a student by last name.");
System.out.println("2. Find a student by Year of Graduation.");
System.out.println("3. Finds a student by looking for an average.");
System.out.println("4. Find a student by Student ID.");
System.out.println("5. Find a student's average.");
System.out.println("6. See all Students.");
System.out.println("7. Give the student with the highest average.");
System.out.println("8. Give student with the lowest average.");
System.out.println("9. Quit.\n\n");
System.out.print("\n\nWhat would you like to do? ");
choice = scan.nextInt();
if (choice == 1){
}else if (choice == 2){
}else if(choice == 3){
}else if(choice == 4){
}else if(choice == 5){
}else if(choice == 6){
}else if(choice == 7){
}else if(choice == 8){
}else if(choice == 9){
}else System.out.print(choice + " is not a valid choice. Please enter a valid choice.");
//Functions keyed by the menu
public static void lastNameSearch(){
System.out.print("What name are you looking for? ");
String EnteredName =;
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i <=20; i++){
//System.out.println("Flag: " + ln[i]);
if (EnteredName.equals(ln[i])){
System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");
System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);
found = true;
if (found == false) System.out.print("Name not found!");
public static void yearSearch(){
System.out.print("What year did the student graduate, or is expected to graduate? ");
int EnteredYear = scan.nextInt();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){
if (EnteredYear == yog[i]){
System.out.println("\nWe found a Student. Here's their info:");
System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);
found = true;
if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that Year of Graduation.");
public static void averageSearch(){
System.out.print("What is the student's Average? ");
String EnteredAverage =;
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){
if ((EnteredAverage + "").equals(averages[i] + "")){
System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");
System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);
found = true;
if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that average. Sorry.");
public static void IDSearch(){
System.out.print("What is the student's ID? ");
int EnteredID = scan.nextInt();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){
if (EnteredID == ID[i]){
System.out.println("We found a Student. Here's their info:");
System.out.println(fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);
found = true;
if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find a student with that ID");
public static void findAverage(){
System.out.print("Enter the first name of the student: ");
String EnteredName =;
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++){
//System.out.println("Flag: " + ln[i]);
if (EnteredName.equals(fn[i])){
System.out.print("We found the student. Here's their average: " + averages[i]);
found = true;
if (found == false) System.out.print("We couldn't find the student. Sorry.");
public static void printAll(){
String answer;
System.out.print("Would you like them sorted by First Name, Last Name, or neither? ");
answer =;
if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("f")){
}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("F")){
}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("l")){
}else if ((answer.substring(0)).equals("L")){
}else for (int i = 0; i <21;i++) System.out.println((i+1) + ") " + fn[i] + " " + ln[i] + " " + yog[i] + " " + ID[i] + " " + averages[i]);
public static void highestAverage(){
int hai= 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){
if (averages[i] > averages[hai]) hai = i;
System.out.println("The highest average we found is " + averages[hai]);
System.out.println("\nHere is the student's info:");
System.out.println(fn[hai] + " " + ln[hai] + " " + yog[hai] + " " + ID[hai]);
public static void lowestAverage(){
int hai= 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++){
if (averages[i] < averages[hai]) hai = i;
System.out.println("The lowest average we found is " + averages[hai]);
System.out.println("\nHere is the student's info:");
System.out.println(fn[hai] + " " + ln[hai] + " " + yog[hai] + " " + ID[hai]);
public static void clear(int times){
for (int i=0; i <=times; i++) System.out.print("\n");
public static void BubbleSorting(String[] names){
String tempS;
int tempI;
double tempD;
int i = 0;
int hai = 0;
while (hai < 21){
for(i = 0; i<names.length-1; i++){
if (names[i].compareToIgnoreCase(names[i+1])>0) {
//First name
tempS = fn[i];
fn[i] = fn[i+1];
fn[i+1] = tempS;
//Last NAme
tempS = ln[i];
ln[i] = ln[i+1];
ln[i+1] = tempS;
//Year of Graduation
tempI =(yog[i]);
yog[i] = yog[i+1];
yog[i+1] = tempI;
//Grades 1
tempI = (grades1[i]);
grades1[i] = grades1[i+1];
grades1[i+1] = tempI;
//Grades 2
tempI =(grades2[i]);
grades2[i] = grades2[i+1];
grades2[i+1] = tempI;
//Grades 3
tempI = (grades3[i]);
grades3[i] = grades3[i+1];
grades3[i+1] = tempI;
//Grades 4
tempI = (grades4[i]);
grades4[i] = grades4[i+1];
grades4[i+1] = tempI;
//Grades 5
tempI = (grades5[i]);
grades5[i] = grades5[i+1];
grades5[i+1] = tempI;
tempD = (averages[i]);
averages[i] = averages[i+1];
averages[i+1] = tempD;
if (i > 20) i = 0;
System.out.println("\nFirst, Last, Average, ID");
for (int o = 0; o < 20; o++){
System.out.println(fn[o] + " " + ln[o] +" "+ averages[o] +" "+ ID[o]);
Evaluate 1.1.1 Formative Assessment Quest
Consider the best means of developing and delivering assessments, projects, and assignments that meet standards-based learning goals and assess learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals. How might a teacher employ ways to assess student readiness for course content and method of delivery? To demonstrate this, create a formative assessment in a demo course you are creating. Post a link to the assessment in your blog.
Create 4.1.3 Aggregating Lesson Material Quest
As discussed throughout the quest, collecting or curating learning objects, resources, and learning material enriches the e-learning environment. Research and identify three tools that can be used to aggregate and present learning material, other than the two mentioned in the lesson. Post findings in your blog and include a brief description and the associated costs.
Any LMS system is an aggregation of tools use to display and manage a lesson. In a single week listed for my students in Moodle I might have 15 resources. At the top of the Course pages I have a list of interesting and useful sites.
The Elearning tools had several sites that listed a online creation tools complete with description and a link to them.
The costs for these websites is mainly time. It takes time to look through the lists and find the tools that will work.
When creating a lesson that is made up of many parts for your students the cost might be a bit of confusion. For instance, I put together a lesson for a week of Net Safety. I mainly use NetSmartz but on that website there is a huge number of resources, videos, worksheets, posters and research activities. I also used a Blog, made in Moodle, that the students had to contribute to. The I used some of the resourced that they brought to me. This means that the students had to access 5 or 6 websites and do 3 or 4 different activities that week. It was easy to miss one of become confused as to what you had to do.
Create 3.1.3 Locating Resources Quest
Open educational resources are available in a variety of mediums. Using the content topic previously selected, locate an image, applicable text, and a multimedia object that apply to the topic. Ensure the resources are cited properly and post these items in your blog with the links.

Kitten sounds
Create 4.1.2 Principles of Building Portable Learning Objects Quest
Based upon your specific content area, build two high quality, reusable learning objects. After completing the project, post links to the created objects in your blog and explain their intended use.
I used eLearning resources the found a 'game' to create on that page called What2Learn. It is a hangman game with my vocab words! I put in my words and they make it for me. It does take 24 hours. But you can also use things that other people have done,